10th Newsletter

This is why you need to nap

 Look at the image at the top of this email. It demonstrates how we as humans are designed to have to natural dips in energy levels in a 24 hour period. One in the mid-afternoon; typically after eating. And one at midnight. This also ties in nicely with the notion of a bi-phasic sleeping pattern. Literally meaning ‘two-phase’ sleeping. You could hypothesise, with sound biological evidence even (!), that we are built to nap! There are numerous studies which illustrate the wondrous rejuventating properties offered by naps. Increased focus. Increased energy levels and lower stress & cortisol. But ideally no longer than 90 minutes and at least 30 minutes in duration! (N.B. not the 3 hour naps that send you into the next century when you wake up!) If we look at cultures around the world that have populations with a higher than average life expectancy (Italy, Spain, Japan) – they nap. The Japanese even encourage workplace napping and have a quaint name for it! (Inemuri – present while sleeping!) So go forth and nap my friends. Science says its good!

  New Website launching soon so keep your eyes peeled! For now check out my stuff on https://linktr.ee/DrKaran