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This is the secret to immortality...
What are the secrets to living longer? A pill? A potion? A deal with the Devil? A long and healthy life is no accident. Yes, it begins with good genes, but also requires good habits. So, what’s the formula for success? 5 hot spots around the world, known as Blue Zones, may hold the secrets. These are geographic regions where high percentages of centenarians enjoying remarkably long, full and happy lives. These blue zones include: Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), Loma Linda (Cali, USA), Ikaria (Greece), Nicoya (Costa Rica). Commonalities amongst each of these special places included lifestyle, community and purpose. What’s more, people in these longevity hot spots do not pursue health and happiness. I am going to tell you how you can design your surroundings to mirror these communities and achieve health, longevity and happiness.. A key component amongst elders in all of these communities is “your tribe” or as the Okinawans call it, your “Moai”. A social support group to talk, experience life with and share advice when needed. Another common denominator was a varied diet heavy in fruit, vegetables and plants (P.S I’m not a vegan or vegetarian so no bias here!). The Okinawan & Sardinian elders ate more than 8 types of fruit & vegetables daily! What was most striking was the amount of daily activity these blue zone inhabitants undertook; the Sardinian sheep-herders would clock over 6 miles a day! Exercise and movement is an often overlooked part of our technologically advanced, sedentary lifestyles – make small changes to begin with; take the stairs, walk or cycle to work if you can Finally, my favourite trait that was found in all these “immortals” and summed up best by the Okinawan phrase ‘Ikigai’ or by the Nicoyans ‘plan de vida’ – loosely translated as your sense of purpose, the reason you wake up in the morning. Simply put, make sure you are doing something that makes you happy!
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