9th Newsletter

Stop and try this...

This year has been eventful. Sometimes it can often be hard to know what exactly you feel, or even what to do. I find that In times like these, a practice of meditation and introspection becomes important. Meditation can help improve sleep, reduce levels of stress, anxiety, cortisol, blood pressure and a lot more. In addition, at the risk of sounding very zen…it also allows you some much needed self-examination to check in with who you are and what you need to do. Sometimes I feel like I live at 200 miles an hour – flooded with emails, texts messages, news and a constant stream of social media updates We are constantly consuming masses of information coming from an external source but we rarely have time to go internal and check how WE are feeling. I won’t labour the point… There are also lots of misconceptions about meditation. It doesn’t have to be done in a room filled with peaceful music, saturated in incense with you sitting cross-legged. You need to be in a position that is most comfortable for you. Quieten your mind and treat every thought as a pathway to stillness, not as an intrusive one. Make sure you do some of your own research and find what works for you, because everyone is different. But this week, instead of scrolling on social media, take 30 minutes to discover and practice some meditation. Your mind will thank you for the pit stop!

  New Website launching soon so keep your eyes peeled! For now check out my stuff on https://linktr.ee/DrKaran