The Weekly Dose... 24/07/2022

The Weekly Dose...

The Weekly Dose...

... the latest from Dr Karan

Here is your weekly dose... 

A list of what I'm pondering and actionable things to improve your life! If you're enjoying these newsletters please fell free to forward this to your friends, family and even enemies! Help me to help as many people as possible!



A Few Points For You This Week



- How I'm self-caringSo today (Sunday, 24th July) is actually International Self-Care Day. A day to highlight the importance in looking after ourselves, perhaps see this day as a day to be selfish. What helps me chill out is a breathing exercise called Physiological Sighing. Essentially, a pattern of breathing in which two inhales through the nose are followed by an extended exhale through the mouth. This is an exercise which helps reduce anxiety, so don't be afraid to use it whenever required.


- Don't believe everything you read on Social Media 

You may have caught me on Instagram talking about the 'anti-hangover miracle pill'. For whoever has considered this should watch my 

 about it. 

This is an example of why we need to be careful about what we read on Social Media. If something seems to good to be true, well I'm sorry, but it probably is. The research is bias and the claims have nothing to back them up. 

Please do some research of your own before considering such products, or just wait until I get annoyed enough myself and make a video debunking it!



- What may surprise you

Your Summer Tan is Destroying your Skin. Tanning isn't safe no matter how you go about it. It isn't just the baking aspect of tanning that is a risk - the burning of the skin can lead to cancerous cells developing. Tanning is bad because your body wont even begin to bronze until dangerous levels of ultraviolet rays have pierced your skin and started to mutilate your DNA.

When these rays hit your skin, a pigment called melanin is found in the skin cells. Higher levels of melanin in the cells produces a darker skin tone.

You will hear some say that melanin can protect the body for UV rays. To some extent that is correct, it does absorb these rays to a point, and will act as the skins natural sunscreen. The issue is that this only really begins after the damage has been done. 



- An un-fun fact

Spare a thought for the Queens Guards. Whilst we were all struggling in the sun this week, spare a thought for the Queens Guard. Still required to wear full uniform including their bearskin hats, which stand around 18 inches tall and weight close to two pounds!The Monarchy loves tradition, but the pictures of a member of the Queen's Guard having to be fed water by a civilian is perhaps a step too far. At least in conditions such as these.


- A Fact I Love Telling People

Brainwashing is actually a thing. every second of every day, you brain goes through its own version of a car wash. It gets hosed down by the aglymphatic system and then gets a good scrubbing by brain juice (Cerebrospinal Fluid). This is how your 'dirty' brain is cleaned and all the toxic waste products are washed away.

During sleep this happens a lot more, and is part of the reason we need enough sleep. By sleeping less our brain doesn't get cleaned as much, which means more toxic waste is on the brain. The more waste increased the risk of developing things such as Alzheimer's.


- What I've made this week

This weekend I've just released another YouTube video which you should check out, 

. It's about new research that's been done regarding bowel cancer that claims to cure cancer. The findings are remarkable, 100% success rate. But take the initially research with a pinch of salt, although brilliant and exciting. It's from a small sample of people and further research has to be done. But it's an optimistic start.

Don't let this think everything will be okay. Please continue to check yourself often, feel free to look at your poo once a week to see if there is any blood present. A change in your bowel movements should never be overlooked. 


-What have I watched this week

'Jackie Brown'


Quentin Tarantino

This classic by Tarantino is always a brilliant watch, as with any of his work a great soundtrack is guaranteed and incredible cinematopgraphy is a given. With a support case including the likes of

Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro


Michael Keaton

you can understand why I've watched this movie so many times.