- Dr Karan's Weekly Dose
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- The Weekly Dose...
The Weekly Dose...
The Weekly Dose...
The Weekly Dose...
... the latest from Dr Karan
Here is your weekly dose...
Hi all!Here is your weekly dose of the Sunday Six! A list of what I'm pondering and exploring. If you enjoy this please feel free to forward this to friends. families and enemies alike!**You'll find more in depth analysis of some of these subjects on my social platforms in the links just below, including Dr Karan Investigates! for deep dives into interesting topics on my YouTube channel.**

👂 What I Think When Breaking Bad News...
In medical training we are taught a specific pattern when breaking bad news. In fact I made a video roughly outlining this with a colleague many years ago:
(an Early Dr Karan Production).
But telling someone they have untreatable bowel cancer isn't an algorithm and the most effective strategy I've found in most cases is not talking but listening. Telling someone they have cancer isn't the hard bit, tt's the aftermath that hits home.
Doctors interrupt patients too often and are sometimes more interested in delivering the information than being a shoulder to cry on or a sympathetic ear. When you deliver terrible news, try just listening for a moment. Silence can be powerful.
What I'm Watching... Mind Hunter - Netflix
This did take me a while to get into, I first started watching it a couple years ago but after picking it up again I found the story and the characters incredible. Inspired by a true story of how the FBI's Behavioural Science Unit began studying psychopaths and serial killers in the late 1970's!
Here I want to share with you some tips that I use to help me when my focus wains. They are based on five senses:
1. Auditory -
Listen to something soothing without lyrics to stop you singing along! My go to has always been Hans Zimmer. I've mentioned before how his music helps me relax and this in turn prepares my mind to focus.
2. Visual -
Visual distractions are everywhere, smart phones being the worst culprit. Hide your phone somewhere, there are apps now that allow you to lock your phone for a period of time if you feel you aren't strong enough to be away from your device.
3. Olfactory -
Olfactory is your sense of smell, being surrounded by things like flowers or lit candles can really help settle your mind and increase productivity. Personally, I use essential oils. either by inhaling or applying to my skin. They have some health benefits too, inhaling peppermint or eucalyptus can help nasal congestion!
4. Tactile -
Touching things can help a lot of people, the past few years have saw an increase in people using things like fidget spinners and other toys which help occupy your hands which allows your mind to focus more. It's doesn't have to be a fidget spinner though, I pet my dog Shadow. It helps me relax and he loves it too. Double win!
5. Gustatory -
Gustatory is the sense of taste. This is one you were probably punished for in school, and please don't name drop me if your teacher tells you off in future, but chewing gum is great for focusing. Chewing provides proprioceptive input through the mouth which can help calm a person and increase their concentration.
What Helps Me Sleep At Night...
Don't think about a pink elephant. How big is the pink elephant you're not suppose to be thinking about? Keep this in mind...
I used to suffer badly with insomnia in my early years as a doctor. I think the combination of stress, taking work home with me, and a bad sleeping pattern really played havoc with me. I read an article about paradoxical intention in my quest for an insomnia cure and it really changed things for me!
When you tell your brain not to do something, paradoxically it has the opposite effect. Hence the pink elephant. So, next time you're struggling to sleep, stay still with your eyes open and tell yourself 'I'll stay awake' for as long as possible. (You've probably done this before, if you've tried to stay up to watch a movie) and see if it works.
Alternatively, CBT therapy for insomnia is also a great option!
🎧What I'm Listening to...Let's Explain - I Wish I Was A Little Bit Taller - SpotifyDo you care how tall you are?Well for some height is such an issue that they'll go to great lengths to gain a few inches. There is a procedure that involves having their legs broken and lengthened - for a hefty fee, of course. A small side affect of this include a lifetime of chronic pain!This mini podcast dives into the world of leg lengthening surgery which is intriguing and worrying in equal parts.
🩸 Fun Fact...
Your saliva is basically blood. Filtered blood without the red blood cells, but still blood. It contained hormones, minerals and various other things including trace amount of hydrogen peroxide and even analgesics six times more powerful than morphine!In fact, most of our body juices are just filtered blood. The first time I told someone that urine was just filtered blood they questioned if I was an actual doctor!
As always, please give me feedback on Twitter. Which of this weeks Sunday six is your favourite? Is there something you want more, or less of? I'm open to any suggestions so please let me know! Just send a tweet to @drkaranrajan and use the hashtag #theweeklydose at the end so I can find it!
Have a wonderful week, all.
Much love,