The Weekly Dose - Episode 47

Harsh Truths, Electric Hunger Pills & Languages

The Weekly Dose...

... the latest from Dr Karan


  Here is your weekly dose...  

Hi all!Here is your weekly dose of the Sunday Six! A few things I found interesting this week. If you enjoy this please feel free to forward this to friends. families and enemies alike!If you've enjoyed any of my content over the years, I know you will enjoy my new book "This Book May Save Your Life", available to pre-order here: My First Ever Book!**You'll find more in depth analysis of some of these subjects on my social platforms in the links just below, including Dr Karan Investigates! for deep dives into interesting topics on my YouTube channel.**

Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Life...

1. You are not owed anything and the world isn't fair.Bad things happen, bad people win and good people lose. Outcomes are often determined by those who make the most of what they have before them.2. You don't need to have a take or opinion on every single thingWe're in a society where it feels like we are expected to have an opinion on everything and that we must pick a side.You do not need to have an opinion on anything, particularly if you haven't understood or researched it.Too often forcing yourself to have an opinion on a matter leads you down a path of siding with the most popular or common opinion which actually may be at odds with your own beliefs3. Do less, moreOr perhaps this could be phrased as "do less, better".You don't need to read 50 books a year. You don't need to have made X accomplishments to prove anything.It is far more impressive to do a few things well then many things half heartedly. Read one book deeply.4. Kindness costs nothingBeing kind is one of the most underrated tools every human being inherently possess in their emotional armoury.Many choose not to use it or not use it enough. Kindness does not have to be limited to your loved ones but strangers too.It costs you zero and in fact might gain you something. A new friend, an opportunity or just a good feeling inside that meat suit you call a body.Do one nice thing for someone every day - it could be just a compliment or offering to help with a task. 

Artificial Sweeteners...

The World Health Organization recently warned against using artificial sweeteners to control body weight or reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases, saying that long-term use is not effective and could pose health risks.I have issues with this stance.1. Artificial sweeteners are neither good nor bad for us.The vast majority of data suggests they are safe for consumption in humans (assuming you are not knocking back 20+ cans of soda a day..but this would also be bad if it were the full sugar versions of soda too.)Although they may influence the gut microbiome, the weight of the literature does not suggest whether this is good or bad...the net effect seems to be neutral.In fact, I would argue if someone switched from their regular consumption of 2-3 full sugar sodas a day to 2-3 zero calorie sodas a day (with artificial sweeteners) and kept everything else the same...they would lose weight, improve their body composition and metabolic profile AND likely see a favourable shift in their microbiome profile.2. Artificial sweeteners are not a miracle cureThey can be used as a zero calorie alternative to aid in someone's weight loss journey.They are a tool to allow someone to make sustainable changes. They themselves will not cause someone to lose weight but aid in habit forming.3. Artificial sweeteners vs normal sodasI particularly am dumbfounded by the WHO's stance on this because if you compared zero calorie drinks to the full sugar counterparts - the case is clear cut. Less sugar = less dental damage. Less sugar = less calories.I would not advise someone to drink artificial sweeteners if they don't routinely do, that isn't the argument here. However the bottom line is zero calorie sodas with artificial sweeteners are far superior in virtually every capacity than their full sugar counterparts. 

Languages Are Funny...

I love languages and I particularly how cultural perceptions and thoughts vary for similar subjects.For example, the English phase "You can't have your cake and eat it"...In Albanian it's "To take a swim and not get wet"In Bulgarian (vulgar version): "You can't have both the dick in the ass and the soul in heaven"Romanian: "You can't reconcile the goat and the cabbage"My favourite in Tamil: "Desire to have both the moustache and to drink the porridge"I will try my best to introduce this to my usual conversations.

The Next Week...

Monday 22nd May - I've been randomly invited to the Chelsea Flower Show...and I get a plus one so I'm taking my mum!I'm going on behalf of the Royal Entomological Society to mingle with flowers and insects. I'll try my best to channel my lurking Attenborough and bring forth content that trisects the insect/plant/medical worlds - a surprisingly difficult niche to brainstorm for..Tuesday 23rd May - another day celebrating my escape from the uterus. But also operating + clinic..bleurgh.I almost forgot it was my birthday this week. Last year I almost forgot how old I was.Wednesday 24th May -  Very exciting announcement for you guys! 

What You Should Watch...

I binge watched all 4 episodes of this docu-series about the Notorious MMA, Conor McGregor yesterday.I'm not an avid MMA or UFC fan but it's hard not to know who Conor McGregor is.It takes a special type of person to motivate themselves to get in a ring with someone and accept that you might get your skull bushed in, break a limb or lose a pint of blood. This goes for any combat sport but especially mixed martial arts.The series takes you through his highest highs and lowest lows. How he bounced back from career threatening injuries, balances family life and getting his body pounded in the ring and the dilemma of making money for your family but risking your life + healthvat the same time.A fascinating insight into this sport and a unique personality.

An Electronic Pill To Regulate Appetite...

Chances are you have heard about Ozempic, Wegovy and these semaglutide based weight loss medications. Move over...Scientists are allegedly working on an electronic pill that could regulated appetite instead of artificially mimicking a hunger hormone (like semaglutide).Researchers at NYU are creating this appetite regulating pill that works by sending electronic pulses into the stomach to trigger natural stores of Ghrelin (a gut hormone that makes people feel hungry).This buzzer could stimulate Ghrelin release to help patients who are struggling to eat but the reverse is theoretically also true - the same tech could be used to inhibit Ghrelin release to reduce over eating and promote feelings of satiety.It sounds like it could have real clinical impacts (assuming trials provide the data) but it also seems dystopian to have an appetite regulating pill that requires electric ECT but for the stomach?! 



As always, please give me feedback on Twitter. Which of this weeks Sunday six is your favourite? Is there something you want more, or less of? I'm open to any suggestions so please let me know! Just send a  tweet to @drkaranrajan and use the hashtag #theweeklydose at the end so I can find it!

Have a wonderful week, all.

Much love,
