- Dr Karan's Weekly Dose
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- The Weekly Dose...
The Weekly Dose...
The Weekly Dose...
The Weekly Dose...
... the latest from Dr Karan
Here is your weekly dose...
Hi all!Here is your weekly dose of the Sunday Six! A list of what I'm pondering and exploring. If you enjoy this please feel free to forward this to friends. families and enemies alike!**You'll find more in depth analysis of some of these subjects on my social platforms in the links just below, including Dr Karan Investigates! for deep dives into interesting topics on my YouTube channel.**
What I've Been Surprised By...
If ever you needed a skin graft on your eyelids did you know that the skin from your foreskin would be ideal! The elasticity of the skin around your one eyed snake makes it perfect to replace your eyelids. The texture is also very similar, but remember there is a time and place to find that our for yourself.
What I've Been Pondering...
Are we living in the matrix? Is life a simulation? Well this breakthrough might add more weight to this theory. Scientists have grown human brain cells in a lab and made them play a game of pong... slightly dystopian. Warning, the link might trigger an existential crisis!Check the video out here - The Matrix Version 1
What I'm Listening To...
Why ASMR Is Good For Your Brain... - Spotify
ASMR has become mainstream over the last few years, everything from the sound of frying bacon to people dressed up as nurses whispering to a camera!
But ASMR can actually be really good for your brain, and this is a great listen.
What I'm Watching...
How To Change Your Mind- Netflix
This docuseries is a real eye opener. It gives a look back at the history of psychedelics and the potential uses of them in this day and age. They are certainly a potential use for mental health issues in the future!
Antibiotic Apocalypse
You've probably heard the name Therese Coffey in the news lately. She is, of course, the British health secretary and currently she is getting a lot of flack from health professionals. Ms Coffey thought it would be a good idea to not only sharing a prescription of hers with a friend, but to admit doing so is immoral, illegal and downright idiotic.
It's a very dangerous thing to give prescription drugs to people they aren't prescribed to. Especially when it comes to antibiotics. Coffey also wants to make antibiotics more accessible by removing the need to have a prescription to obtain them.The biggest issue with making antibiotics so readily available is the risk of community resistance to antibiotics. This in turn would lead to a rise in superbugs and thus edging us to a world where we run out of antibiotics!
The UK Blood Shortage...
You've probably seen on the news this week that there is a UK shortage of blood. For the first time there is an amber warning regarding blood supplies. This means hospitals are being warned of their usage of blood, non vital operations are being put on hold. But why is this happening?
Basically it all comes down to a lack of donors. Post pandemic the number of people donating blood has dropped drastically. This has put more strain on an already struggling health service, so if I may ask, please donate blood if you are able! It would be life saving!

As always, please give me feedback on Twitter. Which of this weeks Sunday six is your favourite? Is there something you want more, or less of? I'm open to any suggestions so please let me know! Just send a tweet to @drkaranrajan and use the hashtag #theweeklydose at the end so I can find it!
Have a wonderful week, all.
Much love,