The Weekly Dose... ... the latest from Dr Karan

The Weekly Dose... ... the latest from Dr Karan

The Weekly Dose...

... the latest from Dr Karan

Beat the Heat with Science!

The heatwave has hit Britain hard. 'It's too hot' is something you'll be sick of hearing this past week. And if you aren't, well that's because people are sick of you saying it!It's hard to disagree with the statement though. The UK feels the heat differently, and there are many reasons for this. Our houses, for example, are built to keep heat in as opposed to Greek and Spanish houses, which try and reflect as much sun as possible.But I'm here to save the day, or at least make it more bearable with a few tips to cool you down using science!


Tips to Cool You Down

-Take advantage of your


These are areas on your body where blood vessels are close to the skin, so the inside of your wrist, your temple and more. By holding something cold, like an ice cube or a cold drink against these points it actually tricks your body's thermostat into cooling down.-The dehumidifier. No, not an air conditioning unit. This is like the human equivalent of playing 3D chess. Your body gets rid of heat by sweating, but when it's humid the sweat struggles to evaporate from your skin. The dehumidifier lowers the level of humidity thus allowing your body to do what it does!-Let that sweat drip down your forehead. That's right, don't wipe that sweat off. By allowing it to evaporate from your skin your body will naturally cool down.-Natures air-conditioning units. So, nature has been very kind to us. It has provided us with natural air-con in the shape of plants. Not only do they help block the sun, but they absorb water through the soil and release it from their leaves. Evaporative cooling.

By using a fan next to the window, Bernoilli's principle comes into play, effectively sucking all the warm air from your room and pushing it outside.-Freshen your breathe and cool down your body. You've probably felt the sensation when you chew a piece of mint flavoured chewing gum. A cool blast in your mouth. The reason is you don't have a mint receptor, so the chemical in mint - menthol - activates a protein called TRPM8 in your nerve cells. Which in Layman's terms is your cold/menthol receptor. Slay your dragon breathe and cool yourself down in one chew.-Caffeine is okay... So this one isn't so much a help but my chance to debunk a myth. Caffeine's diuretic effect isn't strong at all, so causes no issues. Alcohol on the other hand has a powerful diuretic effect and causes you to pee excessively which is why you usually feel dehydrated after a night drinking.-Finally, have a nice warm shower. Yes, I said warm shower. The heat will help dilate the blood vessels near the surface of your skin. This helps disperse heat and lowering your core body temperature rapidly. 

What have I been up to?

This is where I get to tell you guys what I've been up to this past week. Things that have caught my attention, what have I been listening to? Eating? Reading? My chance to get personal with you.

🎧 My latest Spotify playlist addition -


You can blame Tiktok for this weeks suggestion. It's been popping up everywhere since I came across a video with this included.  P.S. When things like this happen, where something keeps appearance after you've noticed it once. Whether it's a name, song, or anything, it is known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon!

 📖  What I'm reading -

 The Hinge Factor by Erik DurschmeidThis is a book that has been knocking around my library for about 15 years. I can't believe I've never picked it up earlier as its an entertaining look into how so many conflicts over the years have been decided by sheer dumb luck.

📜 🖋️ Quote of the week -

 'Don't mortgage your happiness to buy someone else's attention.'By, Dad 2012So this week a quote that has been on my mind is from close to home. It's something my dad told me when I started medical school and I was trying so hard to impress others. Spending money I didn't have on clothes I didn't need. He's always good for a corker like this, and it really help me understand things. 10 years on, I still refer back to it at times.

🍪  Biscuit Heaven

You may have caught my Instagram post earlier in the week when I came across these delightful treats called Lu Petit Beurre. Straight away I thought, this beautiful little buttery cookie is going top of my biscuit list! As a doctor I need to tell you to eat these in moderation, but as a human I wish you good luck because they are so, so delicious!

Check out my TikTok video explaining why British people complaining about the weather isn't just because they're British... There is genuine reasoning for the whining!

I hope these tips help as the weather gets even hotter.


Please enjoy the heat responsibly, remember to;-Stay hydrated-Take regular breaks in the shade.-Make sure your pets and children always have water available.-Don't forget the sunscreen! 
