The weekly dose - Micro in name, Macro in necessity

The Weekly Dose

The Weekly Dose...

... the latest from Dr Karan

Micro by name, Macro by necessitySo, you're back for another segment of The Weekly Dose. This week I wanted to talk about microorganisms. What are they? Where do they come from? And do we need them?Now, a little warning before we delve into this to you germophobes out there. Don't be scared by what I'm about to tell you...Your body is essentially a huge hotel with billions upon trillions of microorganisms continuously checking into your gut!But don't do anything silly, please. No need to wash your insides out with soap! These microbes are essential for our immune systems. The brain relies on these guys to function. They are absolutely vital for our hormonal health - helping create chemicals that impact how the rest of our body operates. We need to nurture these microorganisms to best support our physical health.Don't forget your mental health either. We rely heavily on the serotonin that these living organisms help produce.When the level of microorgansms in our gut reaches a low level, dysbiosis (microbial imbalance) can set in, this has been associated with a number of conditions such as, autoimmune diseases, obesity and cardio-metabolic issues.So the first matter of this newsletter is to give you my lovely people, some pointers on how to keep the hotel that is your body full of lovely guests known as microorganisms. 


Prebiotics and Probiotics

Yes, prebiotics and probiotics are different things.Probiotics are living bacteria that ass to the good bacteria already in your digestive system.Prebiotics meanwhile are the fibre we eat which is the used as food for the good bacteria, stimulating the growth in your gut. 

But where can we find the probiotics and prebiotics we need?Probiotics...

Fermented Foods-

Fermented foods may not be the most appealing to everyone. But foods like sauerkraut, miso and kimchi are wonderful for increasing your guts microbiota diversity. These low-sugar fermented foods are an easy and delicious way to regulate your body,

If you're concerned by the idea of eating fermented foods than start with things like plain yogurt and kombucha (sweetened fermented tea) before moving onto things like kefir. Build yourself up to those beautiful fermented vegetables!

Fermented foods are also helpful in reducing inflammation associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis and stress.


Fibre is your friend-

Plant-based foods packed with fibre are especially amazing! They have so many benefits when it comes to establishing the microbiota in you. Proving so much in terms of key nutrients that help your gut thrive. Your body goes crazy for vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds!

Don't Forget Your Sleep!

The community of microorganisms in your gut - known as a


- is highly attunes to your stress levels. Achieving a good amount of sleep each night - between 6 and 9 hours - is essential to manage stress and in turn ensures healthy mircobiome.

Limit Processed Foods

Now, we all enjoy 'bad' foods occasionally, myself included. But too often can cause issues. A typical western diet which consists of high fat and low fibre does not provide the microbiota with enough nutrients.

By eating complex, plant-based fibre. The microbiota produces fermentation by-product, such as short-chain fatty acids. Such substances can help reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system and modulate metabolism along the gastrointestinal tract.

30 Plants a Week?!

There was an interesting study from 2018 which compared the gut microbiome of over 10,000 people, mainly from the US, Australia and the UK. The study seemed to suggest that though who consumed a larger variety of plants were healthier compared to those who had a less varied plant diet. It's a study that is certainly worth a read!

What have I been upto?

This is where I get to tell you guys what I've been upto this past week. Things that have caught my attention, what have I been watching? Eating? Reading? My chance to get personal with you.

My latest Spotify addition -

The Midnight - Days of Thunder (

I found this song strangely uplifting as well as profoundly relaxing. During my tedious two hour round trip to work this track gives me five minutes and 23 seconds of bliss.

Our hearts have this wonderful quirk of syncing to the beat of what we listen too. Days of Thunder took me briefly, to a time of 80's double denim and I felt instantly more energised.

What I'm watching -

Spider Head - Netflix

The pull of Chris Hemsworth overcame the flurry of poor reviews. Without spoiling this movie for you, it revolves around the incredible promise and potentially devastating consequences of designer drugs. How they can influence emotions and change somebody's personality.

A cautionary tale or perhaps a peek into the not-too-distant future? 

I'll hold judgement of this movie and allow you to decide.

What I'm reading -

The Alchemist - Paulo Coehlo

So this isn't a new book I've been reading, but it's something I find myself reading again and again. It features a quote which I appreciate-

'There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: a fear of failure'

Often I feel hindered by not wanting to try new things in life. Often because f thefear of failure. But I contribute this quote to my social media. I found that every failure can be used as a building block for success.

Favourite fact of the week -

So working in medicine you can imagine I come across many fun little facts about the body. Well, I want to start sharing some with you.

This week I want to ask the question, what does your nose have in common with your private parts? 

Well, they both contain erectile tissue! Yes, you read that right, and yes, your nose gets hard too.

There are a couple of reasons why your nose has this. First of all, it helps to reduce water loss. It also forms part of the nasal cycle.

You may have noticed that your nostrils alternate sides every few hours when breathing. Well the nostril that isn't as active is the 'excited' one. If you get my drift...